
Cemetery Headstones

Headstones Database

Use the search box just below on the right to type the name of the headstone you wish to locate.

If it is in our database it will show a corresponding photo ID and cemetery location. The cemetery location letter (A-Q) can be found on the map below.

Photos of legible headstones may be found here: https://gutenberg.net.au/camperdownNSW/_namelist-alphabetical.html


Below is a map of the Camperdown Cemetery showing the alphabetised areas. 

Cemetery tours are currently happening on the first Saturday of every second month at 11:30am (February, April, June, August, October & December) meeting under the fig tree. To find out more email tours@neac.com.au

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Whole communities captivated by Jesus Christ and living out His freedom.

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Connect people to Jesus, Build them up in Jesus and Release them to serve Jesus
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